The Trustee Report

Welcome to The Trustee Report, your go-to resource center for all things trust and estate planning. Here, you'll find in-depth articles, FAQs, step-by-step guides, and expert insights to help you navigate the complexities of trust management with confidence. Stay informed and empowered with the latest updates and trends in estate planning, ensuring your legacy is protected and your loved ones are provided for. Dive in and discover the tools and knowledge you need for a smooth and successful estate planning journey.

What is Modern Trust Law? Feb 04, 2023

Modern trust law refers to the legal rules and principles that govern the creation, administration, and termination of trusts in contemporary society. It encompasses the various statutes, judicial...

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A Treatise on the Law of Trusts Feb 04, 2023

A treatise on the law of trusts is a comprehensive legal text that provides an in-depth analysis and explanation of the law related to trusts. These texts typically cover the history and...

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How to Draft a Basic Contract Feb 04, 2023

To draft a contract, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Identify the parties involved: Clearly state the names and addresses of the individuals or entities entering into the contract.

  2. ...

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The Law of Trusts: How Equity Jurisdiction took over the Common Law. Feb 03, 2023

The development of the law of trusts in England was influenced by a number of historical events, including the growth of the equity jurisdiction of the court of chancery. Equity refers to a body of...

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How to make a valid Will. Feb 03, 2023

To make a valid will, the following elements are typically required:

  1. Capacity: The testator (person making the will) must have the mental capacity to understand the nature and consequences of...

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What do Banks Need to Open a Trust Bank Account Feb 03, 2023

The requirements for opening an express trust account at a bank vary depending on the bank and the jurisdiction in which it operates. However, some common requirements that banks may...

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