The Trustee Report

Welcome to The Trustee Report, your go-to resource center for all things trust and estate planning. Here, you'll find in-depth articles, FAQs, step-by-step guides, and expert insights to help you navigate the complexities of trust management with confidence. Stay informed and empowered with the latest updates and trends in estate planning, ensuring your legacy is protected and your loved ones are provided for. Dive in and discover the tools and knowledge you need for a smooth and successful estate planning journey.

What is an Implied Trust? Feb 04, 2023

An implied trust is a trust that is created by operation of law, rather than by an express declaration of the trust terms. It arises from the circumstances of a transaction and is inferred from the...

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What do you need to draft an Express Trust? Feb 04, 2023

To draft an express trust, the following elements are typically required:

  1. Settlor: A person who creates the trust and transfers property to the trust.

  2. Trust property: Assets that are...

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Who can draft an Express Trust? Feb 04, 2023

An express trust can be drafted by a variety of individuals or entities, including lawyers, trust companies, financial institutions, and other professionals who specialize in estate planning and...

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What does the Uniform Trust Code say about the Terms of an Express Trusts? Feb 04, 2023
The Uniform Trust Code (UTC) sets out the rules and requirements for the terms of an express trust. According to the UTC, the terms of an express trust are defined by the trust instrument,...
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Are Express Trusts part of the Uniform Trust Code?     Feb 04, 2023

Yes, express trusts are a key component of the Uniform Trust Code (UTC). The UTC provides a comprehensive framework for the creation, administration, and termination of express...

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What is the Uniform Trust Code? Feb 04, 2023

The Uniform Trust Code (UTC) is a model law that provides a comprehensive and uniform framework for the creation, administration, and termination of trusts in the United States. The UTC was...

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